Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mini Greenhouse

Here is a photo of the 'workstation'. Not much I know, but I DO have limited space to work with.

Here is my nice hot and sweaty seed raising area (greenhouse)
Here is a photo of the first family harvest of the new vegies. In it we have endive, red mizuna, chicory, cos lettuce and broccoli flowers (coz the bastard bolted on me).
In the perpetual buying frenzy that is my life, I have also managed to obtain some seeds for this (click on photo to read about it). It was just another plant that looked too fascinating to resist. It is called a Strawbini, Strawberry Blite or Strawberry Spinach. Leaves and fruit are edible (leaves in moderation. Cornucopia has it listed on ebay.


The Crone at Wits End said...

You are pure evilness, evil, do you hear me! Get thee behind me you plant temptress! No more shopping links or I will have to listen to horrid Chinese pop from now to eternity!

Cathode said...

C'mon, if I can't resist it, why should anyone else be able to : p

naturewitch said...

seriously groovy looking plant - what does it taste like? I'm trying to imagine a cross between spinach and strawberries, but my taste buds can't cope with the concept! LOL!

Cathode said...

From my understanding of it, the leaves are very spinach like but you have to have it in moderation coz they are high in saponins ... cooking is the preferred method as this breaks it down. The berries are apparently best left until they go really dark, then they have a mild sweetness like a strawberry, but not as strong.

Am hoping they taste good ... but looks pretty as an ornamental if I can get it up and going...